Friday, June 11, 2010

Abby Sunderland: Australian Team Makes Contact With Teen Sailor Read more:

Missing and feared lost at sea, Abe Sunderland linked successfully with the search and rescue team in the Australian early Friday morning.

But the sea 16 years) of America - in an attempt to become the youngest to complete the circumnavigation of the world - is still some cause for concern. The boat, dubbed the eyes of the wild, and some 2000 miles from the coast of Australia, and crippled the Indian Ocean in the south. Nevertheless, officials say, it did not hurt Sunderland, in good condition and not in danger of sinking boat to them.

The plan is to use the French fishing vessel to the eyes wild drag to Australia. According to the network (CNN, it's a stroke of luck that the boat was even in the region - and Sunderland with the road and see the commercial traffic sparse this time of year.

Sunderland distress beacons raised yesterday during a bout of bad weather that demasted boat sail. While there were initial fears that it could be lost in the sea, and to encourage families that were causing the emergency beacons manually, not through contact with sea water. And began the search and rescue efforts in earnest on Thursday and is successfully Sunderland on Friday morning.

The Sunderland is seeking to become the youngest person to successfully complete the circumambulation of the world solo in a sailboat. Completed her brother, Zac, and a trip last year for a brief period, and became a record holder at the age of 17.

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