Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Advertisement Management

E! Reality star Kendra Wilkinson is a lucky girl who is in the news these days for her sex tape. The sex tape is being searched heavily by Internet users, and they want to see the playboy star at work. It has also published two videos on YouTube spoof by the user in Alphacat who played the role of the husband, while Kendra Kendra played another girl named Lisa Ave. Video is on YouTube and already more than 100,000 spectators watched them and that there are still many who are looking for it. While a sex tape with her ex-boyfriend is also available on the Internet, and you can see as well.

To talk about the sex tape posted on the internet by her ex-boyfriend, said Kendra and that he broke her heart, and it destroyed what he did wit it. Talk about the health of the video, said that the tape is real and it was filmed when it was not a celebrity famous. It was then just 18. At that time, they think they will get married but then divorced couple and the tape remained in the custody of her ex-boyfriend.

She is the girl married her husband, a child and family, and these videos may be malignant personality and celebrity wife. But RadarOnline.com claims is the same strengthening these videos involved in the sales of these videos. It is alleged that the husband of the star is also with them in this work and has no objection from the sale of videos girl her X-evaluation.

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