Thursday, June 3, 2010

Armando Galarraga: Detroit Tigers Perfect Game, Blown Call

So what happened to Armando Galarraga? Ugly combination of the game Detroit Tigers perfect, blown call, Jim Joyce, and some angry fans lit up on the Internet. Get the story here, and watch the incredible video below.
Here's how it went down: Galarraga was about to pay 28 for the first time a perfect game in the history of Major League Baseball Home. Jason Donald was in the bat with two outs in the game 9. And hit a ground ball in the gap between the first and second base. Named first baseman on the ball while running to cover Galarraga bag. Then came the throw ... Safe!

Not the arbitrator, James Joyce did not hesitate, even though he noted that the hostility that is made by throwing. Stop the Tigers players in the case of complete shock and the fans lapped on a missed opportunity. But after reviewing the tape, all-inclusive Joyce admits that there was a call blown away. Here's what the ruling party had to say about it:

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