Tuesday, June 1, 2010

GoTV Networks acquires HOMBRE division from Hands-On Mobile

ce and mobile media consolidation and keeps this note we offer you a story involving the media, mobile network GoTV Networks, which acquired the Humber (Hands-On Mobile Runtime Environment binary) of practical training on mobile.

Under the terms of the acquisition and practical training on Mobile will get a stake in the network GoTV, while the library will GoTV Networks Humber applications, and client and server technologies and patents. Humber and the division of workers joining GoTV and continue to be located in San Francisco and technology in the lab in San Diego. In addition, it will also lead to networks GoTV Scott Shearer on board a degree of Humber and executive vice president for product development and technology. Will continue to manage the four major groups are: product management, engineering, and user experience and quality assurance.

Among the applications gained, we Opera Mobile, NASCAR Sprint (NYSE: Q) Mobile, Sprint Live Football, Verizon (NYSE: VZ) NFL draft, ESPN, NBA multimedia, and river , astrology astrology zone Prime Minister of the region.

Commenting on the announcement, GoTV Networks' CEO Thomas Ellsworth said: "This acquisition extends our capabilities and we strive to set a standard for the participation of mobile content and association. Has delivered and the division of Humber practical training on the mobile library exceptional products for the brands of first-class media partners including the network of Oprah Winfrey, Sprint, NASCAR, Verizon Wireless and the NFL. We are delighted to add these products and division for GoTV Hombre

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