Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Guatemala Sinkhole 2010 – a 60 Foot Sinkhole in Guatemala Eats Buildings”

Guatemala, Hungary 2010 - a 60 foot course in Guatemala buildings eat! And Guatemala City hit by Tropical Storm Agatha, and the results were tragic. The course large and placed in the center of the city, and ingestion of building a house. The result is a picture that has become one of Mother Nature's latest online viral buzz.

The course is 60 feet across and is expected to grow further in the coming days. Experts say that the course in order to swallow more of the buildings in the future.

Agatha tropical storm claimed more than 100 people, but it is uncertain whether there were any people missing inside the building, which was swallowed by the stream.

Guatemalan government claims they were heavy rains which caused a large hole, however, they will have to bring more rain should not lead to a 3 story building to disappear completely in a vacuum.

He said that seeing the picture makes us wonder if photoshopped, and it is hard to believe that the course and swallow just to build without any sign left of the building. However, other news agencies such as submitted a report on the storm and the sink hole to make the report and the picture looks credible.

Have been reported for more than 150 dead after Tropical Storm Agatha. We hope that this figure does not grow, but if there are people inside this building, which swallowed up by the course can expect more losses to occur.

Can be found on images from the Guatemalan Government to Flickr.

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