Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mariah Carey Pregnant? Source Confirmed Mariah Carey is Pregnant

Recently turned down Carey ariah leading role in Tyler Perry's producing the show. That prompted a move by Mariah Carey this rumor that the pop star singer 40 years, in fact, may be pregnant.

According to a Web site popular celebrity news, said a source close to Maria and her husband Nick Cannon said the couple - who renewed promises to celebrate the second anniversary in May - expecting their first child.

"They're both very excited and very happy," said the source familiar with the

Because it goes with gossip like a child, and rumors that hit the Internet about someone being pregnant usually derived from a reputable source to some extent, believe it or not.

Otherwise much as it is a real good - to consider ...

If Mariah Carey is pregnant, it would be meaningless perfected it decided not to continue their role in Tyler Perry's upcoming shows, seeking instead to the new role of the mother at the age of 40!

This information about Mariah Carey being pregnant is very new, so definitely we will have more information about this topic today and progress.

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