Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Oil Spill Goes 3-D: James Cameron Called In To Help With Oil Spill

Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico to get out of hand, and BP and looks forward to any person for help. Another person to put some suggestions in the hat, and film director James Cameron. But Cameron has some really good ideas to contribute.

The Associated Press reports that Cameron will meet today with officials from BP, scientists, and government officials to help develop new strategies to clean up the oil spill.

Cameron how to contribute?

James Cameron is an avid environment, and has plenty of experience shooting things deep under the sea. Not only did Cameron's Titanic, but also a decrease in the number of documentaries under the water.

Let's just hope that Cameron has some ideas better than to convert video to live BP oil spill in the live video - 3 d of oil spill.

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