Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tom Dong’s Death On The Hands Of Steven Hill

Dong and Tom was the person who was killed by Steven Hill. Herbert Wong is an actor 30 years porn with the screen name of Dong Tom. He died in another DVD Inc. 's warehouse is located near the top of the video Hayvenhurst Avenue and Saticoy Street about 22:20 on Tuesday.

According to the crime scene investigator, and Tom Dong collection metal shelf with his colleagues when they heard the cry of people inside their offices. Tom Dong and another conflict with a colleague at work immediately to help someone screaming that led to them being stabbed by Steven Hill. Tom Dong received a stab in the abdomen. He was able to reach the hospital, but died after a few minutes. The other two victims are alive and there is one break in the arm and the other a wound in the shoulder.

Stephen Hill is a porn actor who was a resident of the besieged in the warehouse. Couch as a bed. Who live there, he also updates adult construction site.

According to the Los Angeles Police Detective Joel Price:

"Hill was not performing up to standards, a few weeks ago and said he had to leave. Was not happy with the product to him, and he gets the date of June 2 to go."

But this is not the first time Stephen Hill and I had trouble with the police because he was under surveillance at the time of the attack. He was previously arrested in 2008 in violation of nuclear weapons in Burbank.

Police said Stephen Hill, took the machete when he fled. If you have any information or knows anyone who has information about the attack, you should contact the Los Angeles Police in West Valley Division

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