Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tropical Storm Agatha floods kill 150, cause giant sinkhole in Guatemala City

Cartagena, Colombia
The villagers were buried alive in Guatemala. People who littered in the mud, I have looked in the wreckage of their homes for their loved ones. Aerial photographs show whole swathes of coffee crop in the country under water. Then, there is a giant stream of Guatemala City.
Seasons in the Atlantic Ocean opens today, preceded by a meeting of the Pacific region and one just weeks earlier, but the seasonal weather already - as well as volcanic eruptions and other strange incidents - has hit Central American countries.
More than 150 people, mostly due to floods and landslides, and after Tropical Storm Agatha, the first Pacific storm of the season, hit Guatemala on Saturday, affecting El Salvador and Honduras as well. Thousands across the region homeless.
The nation's most affected is Guatemala. In the western province of Chimaltenango, Guatemala City, and landslides buried dozens of communities, and left at least 60 people dead.
"The administration has collapsed," said Gov. Eric de Leon and The Associated Press. "There is a lot of deaths. Blocked roads. Shelters overflowing, and we need water, food, clothing and blankets - but above all, money."
Isolated villages
Although the sun yesterday afternoon in Guatemala, the death toll could rise as rescue workers try to reach the communities in which they were isolated from the roads covered by water and bridges.
Schools were closed across the region, and the risk of landslides deadlier not passed. In Guatemala, were evacuated more than 110,000 people.
In El Salvador, where he was evacuated 11000 people and killed ten and destroyed 179 bridges. Lempa River already flooded 20 villages, officials say, the river Acelhuate up to its banks and floods in the capital.
In Honduras, thousands fled from their homes and three days of rain and rivers, already swollen near the capital, Tegucigalpa.
Follow the volcanic eruption, flood
Broke out a storm hit on Saturday, just two days after the Pacaya volcano, and about 20 miles south of Guatemala City, causing the international airport to shut down.
The Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom declared disaster for 15 days before Tropical Storm Agatha dumped three feet of water in the western part of the country. Officials said the ash from the volcano, which covers again at the airport on Monday, can exacerbate flooding because it blocks drainage systems in the country.
The government has deployed the Guatemalan flood tragedy photo, including one of the course to appear in the size of the entire street block, which opened in the northern part of Guatemala City. And swallowed three-storey building of the contract. Authorities were investigating the cause. Gully was killed in the same area three people in 2007.
Last November, hurricane Ida area, killing at least 150 people from landslides and floods.
It was the worst in recent memory, Hurricane Mitch, the hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean, which in 1998 killed nearly 11000 people dead and 8000 missing.
--- And used wire services in this report

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