Thursday, June 3, 2010

Umpire Jim Joyce Apologizes for Blown Call, Costing Perfect Game

Two grenades were perfect games, by Braden, Dallas, and Roy Halladay, in the big leagues in May. It should have been there for a perfect game thrown yesterday, and C. Joyce, and the arbitrator who was prevented, and recognizes his mistake.

Must be joined Armando Galarraga to the Detroit Tigers from Dallas Braden, Oakland, Roy Halladay of the Philadelphia Phillies, to be the first tripartite perfect in terms of games in one season. In fact, he stepped on the bag at the base of the first, why should the game ends. Unfortunately, the arbitrator Jim Joyce called strongly in Cleveland, Jason Donald safe. Unfortunately, too, but he was wrong.

A chorus of groans and boos echoed in the garden of Comerica. However, it did not make a difference. There is no instant replay in major league baseball, and not to do-overs. Thus, the call Joyce C. bombing of the situation.

Perfect game is the rarest of rare. This means that not only the pitcher will not give up any hits, there were not to reach the headquarters of errors, walks, hit by several pitch, or any means of more esoteric to gain access to the database. It has happened only 20 times in the history of Major League Baseball Home.

Rare, but not as rare, is an apology from the government. Rarer still when it comes apology, face to face. In this case, Jim Joyce realized, after seeing the play again, and he made a mistake. The Director-General of the LTTE Dave Dombrowski Joyce and request to speak with Galarraga. Galarraga accepted the apology.

"I do not see after the referee come out and say: Hey, let me tell you I'm sorry. Felt really bad." I do not shower and more. "

Jim Joyce made when he made the call, it is certainly. Only and unequivocally, and he was wrong. "It was the biggest call in my career, and I kicked the (warning) out of it, and I'm a child that cost only perfect game." I thought he beat the throw. I am convinced that overcoming the throw, until I saw the replay. "The Tigers still won the game 3-0.

Currently, can not be used baseball repatriation questionable works. There was no appeal from the other calls. New York Yankee manager Joe Girardi believes, in this case, you must make baseball an exception.

"I think it's something we should look at baseball probably because if they do change, it does not affect the game. It does not affect the result. I know it will be the first time that has happened ever, but you're talking about a matter of a very unusual."

Girardi reason is quite obvious, although it is not, and not just to repeat this play one, but change the record books as well. If the reverse call Jim Joyce blown League Baseball, it also means Galarraga received a perfect game in the record books.

What do you think, fans? Watch the video here. Even Jason Donald, the mixture, is believed to be a parent. You can tell by his reaction.

Written by Michael Santo

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