Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Andrew Breitbart defamed Shirley Sherrod; Brietbart could be in trouble Read more:

Comic Con to take break to consider what is happening in the last; Google Trends reveals the ugly story of what happened to Shirley Sherrod were not known previously.

It is well known conservative hit-blogger Andrew Breitbart of the approach of attacking liberals, but what he did to Sherrod Shirley, a government employee, who gave a speech to the NAACP this year, and on this issue that took place 24 years ago, and he made what seems a new video of the claim was racism, and I went to a great extent.

While he says he intended to harm the NAACP, Shirley Sherrod has chosen to do so. She did not ask for this. Change Breitbart video to distort her words.

Andrew Breitbart may be the target of the United States Department of Justice computer crime 'and the Intellectual Property Department ("CCIPS") which is in the criminal division. Site, which was referred to this blogger by the Ministry of Justice in another case, and includes various types of crimes involving the computer.

If you change the Breitbart video Sherrod Shirley to make it look as if they were to make a statement and then described as racist, it's certainly guilty of defamation against Sherrod Shirley.

You may also be accused of harassment Breitbart Internet. Certainly there should be an example of a high level to discourage others from such uses of the computer and the Internet to harass people. Enough is enough.

Computer Crime: Information for the Ministry of Justice.

If you think you are a victim of Internet crime, here's a link to another page on the Internet and the Ministry of Justice to "Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Department, and the United States Department of Justice."
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