Monday, July 19, 2010

'Burn Notice,' you need a great female guest role and the right

Note to burn last night, and we said goodbye to Kendra supposed Navi Rawat, a killer who finally got really interesting when she beat her head repeatedly on the desktop especially during interrogation, Michael and Jesse to prove it is not going to break. A snapshot of the smirking her as blood oozed from the wound - more than any scene do not forget to participate detective Moon Bloodgood procurement in Miami in Season 3. By the end of this time, and I was almost sorry to see it go. Why have not we seen a big disappointment for Michael females on this show since Tricia Helfer in the Wizard Carla? Replace Bloodgood Jennifer Esposito, who was forced to backtrack on that part of the guest at the last moment, and probably has led to spark playful. The Rawat step in the right direction, and certainly felt more lethal, but we did not get to the experience of anger have the full until the evening to go out and they have spent a lot of time on phone calls animating with Michael (Fiona: "I would like phone calls, we are as flirty]." Michael : "They threatened to kill me." Fiona: "I can not do that.")

We know from the book can produce roles juicy for women to Fiona (Gabrielle Anwar), Madeleine Michael trigger happy on and off than a new one, is flashy like her wardrobe, playing his mother, has just happened to Sharon Gless has 10 Emmy nominations. So what is the problem? Let us take the time to put another character female. I do not care which side of the law on it, how old are (a, strong and sexy Helen Mirren, of the type-Fi does not know how to deal with?), Or how big of a star actress playing her (someone like Natalie uniform provides shock can not be denied them what justified in every time it appears on the screen, or do not know its name). Just make me believe that they mastermind to go toe to toe with Michael, and make sure they jump off the screen. Such as this show is a fun ride. If you expand the role of, and be represented by a moron, do not take it.

That would be your dream female guest noted burning star?
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