Monday, July 19, 2010

Flying ants plague London

Each year during what is known as the 'Flying ants, insects in the collection of large numbers of ants when the Queen appears to start a colony.

Under ideal conditions of the swarming hot, humid and hot day like today.

There have been reports of flooding in Twitter from London who has been surrounded by a small winged animals.

Complained member beccarothwell: 'Damn flying ants everywhere in Camden today! Got back from lunch and found one in my bag! Urgh, I hate them so much. 'Xkatieb and said:' and Egyptians. Now I feel all itchy after the attack of ants fly. Shower time! :). '

Ant facts:

* The combined weight of each ant in the world is more than a combined weight of every human being.

* Red ant bite through the release of formic acid burn.

* Black ants can bite - but not usually aggressive towards people. If you only attack the nest of their own.

* Ants and the largest size for the insect brain - the brain cells in every 250,000. Humans have 10 billion brain cells.

* Ants do not carry any diseases.

* Joan Collins starred in the 1977 film B is called ants. It was not very good.
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