Saturday, July 17, 2010

Jessi Slaughter given PCP by her father? Kerligirl13 a study in teen Internet abuse

This is the kind of thing you find after a day of travel across the country. To know that the father is so messed up, and said he believed it is okay to give al-Turabi to his daughter? Not really, but it seems that this issue with the father and the slaughter of Jessi. It has become a deeper look reveals that it was not, study shows in the abuse of the Internet in adolescence is very large, the hottest search on Google Trends as of late timing of the Pacific in 09:39.

Why are other news sites miss this? Because the vast majority do not know what they're doing when it comes to generating news on the Internet. Keep reading for a look at how the Internet really.

From the looks of the videos below, Kerligirl13 been on the video that has been common for young people is 21. Creative and in particular to use the latest Internet technologies, but for the development of interactive exchanges pain. In this case, and damage to the slaughter went to Jessi, "said her father, who was then a room was to make a video to tell the children to stop bothering them.

It seems that everything started with the video below to Jessi made the slaughter - which was in response to comments received to appear in the video chat direct using Stickcam, video on the Internet live chat system - and the horrible comments that have occurred in response.

For the warning, and the language that contains the video and I do not expect to hear from a young girl (unless you are a teacher), but here it is, and the study of the root causes of the deterioration of civility in American society where rudeness in some areas of the country, are very common:
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