Wednesday, July 21, 2010

PRETTY LITTLE LIARS “The Homecoming Hangover” Episode 7 Review

Just when I thought this week's episode of the pretty little liars and lies flat like remnants of a bad, it ended with the shock revelation that Toby may not be back. Although we do not know exactly what is happening, it seems serious and permanent. And left at least one letter and destroyed one character relieved. We will ever know if Toby is a good man or bad?

Although the workshop last week, pretty little liars ended fierce, and we do not seem to get any answers this week on what exactly happened to Emily. We know it's not dead. We know that it hit her head on something. We also know that Tobi does not have any damage because he dropped her off at the hospital before they disappear in the night. This logic, however, is lost on the girls the three others who still insists that the killer was Toby Allison, is out to get them, and also is the mysterious "A" in a way, I do not think one person is responsible for all three things.

I suspect, and finally Hanna fall in love with a boy. Too bad it is not Shawn. Hanna began to realize that perhaps the State Department do not have anything in common regardless of their popularity. Hanna may have just set her sights on Sean is the ideal back when the "big Hanna", and Allison nicknamed her harshly, without any real knowledge about Shawn as a person. Why else would a girl sexually overcharged popular for men to choose Virgin, even non-married couples?

The level of the song Haunted. And called repeatedly on his cell, Mr. Fitz-alike, and home phone. Go to his apartment. She asked too many questions from the Teachers College a substitute for his whereabouts. Finally, she broke through his apartment. I am not sure what they expect to find there. The song is not paying attention last week when he refused Mr. Fitz relationship between them? It was not at all surprising that the song and thought the flowers from Mr. Fitz when they were really Sean. Life lesson number one - do not say a good friend to keep an eye on her boyfriend. It does not end well.

Spencer wants to prove to Alex that they are genuinely interested in him and put the history of makeup. When Alex to clear for it to work, and Spencer happy to work side by side with the right of him. That is, until you find the panel bitch, which is equivalent to burning the book of the daughters of the Mediterranean. Dismayed to find themselves on board the plane, secretly wondering if Alex is right for them. There are some dances and swings around the kitchen (net hair be damned!) And all is right between them again. At the moment. I am sure that this is not the end of the question of the division of class between Spencer and cabana boy.

"A" that are less than the emergence of this view, while it was more about Gina what we have seen at any time to them. Gina insist on access to file Toby makes me wonder if there is something in which other, more destructive of their relationship private. He stressed, however that Emily Gina that the file is gone forever, and no water does not destroy the paper. It just makes it soggy. Ask a mysterious black figure clothes capture a piece of river. And "A" was replaced by girl / black man? Or are they the same person?

Gina said, "and the secrets and the way out." I wish it was true. Secrets that girls, Toby, and that Gina, and that almost every character seems to appear to the juice. I want more of them! Let's start by what he said Allison Gina when she came to visit her in the hospital.
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