Monday, July 19, 2010

Trident Technical College

Trident Technical College (real estate) is a college for two years based in Charleston, South Carolina, United States of America Service Charleston, Berkeley and Dorchester counties in the state of South Carolina.

It is part of the South Carolina Technical College System. Registration in each semester of about 12,000 students work their way to college transfer associate degree and associate degree and technical diplomas and certificates.

Recent Trident College offers technical courses for a week continues to expand - Trident Technical College offers a class summer, like cooking class is one of more than 100 courses for a week being offered this summer through college kids in Trident.

The Kids' College Manager Michael Sheen Youth 7-16 can be layered for a half-day in many subjects, including the culinary arts, science and computers. Most of the classroom for a period of 8-11 years of age or for a period of 12-16 years of age.
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