Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dr. Laura Quits Her Talk Show to “Gain First Amendment Rights”

Dr. Laura, she more than fifteen years of celebrity talk show, she who coined the self-descriptor "in America's # 1 female radio talk host," is off the air at the end of the year. Last week, I got talk show hosts in trouble for the related sector with a black woman, and vomiting times (11), N-word over 5 minutes.

He went on to talk show host Larry King to explain its decision not to re-up her contract:

"I'm here to say that two decades of trying to radio for me at the end of the year, has taken a decision not to do radio anymore. The reason is: I want my first restore the rights of the amendment. I want to be able to say what is going on in my mind and my heart, I think it is helpful and useful to a person without anger, and some special interest groups decide this is the time to silence the voice of the opposition, and its affiliates attack and sponsors.

"I'm kind of done with it. I do not retire. I'm not quitting. I feel energized, in fact, stronger and more freedom to say things that I think need to the people and said in this country."

Last week, Dr. Laura regrets, but obviously it had decided to go out guns blazing, unrepentant to the end. They also said:

"Black men use it all the time. Turn on HBO and listen to the black comedy, and all you hear is (n word) and (n word) and (n word). I do not get it. If any person without sufficient of melanin says it, it's a terrible thing. But when blacks say he is affectionate. It's very confusing. "

No, Dr. Laura, it's not confusing. Over the remainder of the phone call and said that a lot of which revealed the depth of prejudice to go.

However, each foot and mouth disease at the time of encroaching on public figures, and lost the most out of anger. I went to get that the time had come to check in the archives of ColorLines, because you know one of us through this before. Kay Wright did not, in fact, once when a similar debate with the radio talk host Don Imus drew his remarks offensive to the Rutgers University women's basketball:

From the mid-1970s, began to support conservative thinkers "colorblind new" society, Jim Crow for a bald man, had been removed the institutional barriers to equality and the thorny problem has been resolved in the race. Understanding and political and cultural bigotry moved quickly from the collective per capita - of racism, says Ramos, down to "individual acts of meanness" by a few ignorant jerks.

This distinction is one of substance. If racism is a personal rather than structural, and racial inequality are as well. If injustice is happening on the individual level, you must edit and then, too.

Treatments on the scope of society, such as affirmative action, and so bad, it is argued, because they acted quite well in the withdrawal of the White horrible process to deal with inequality. If you have not called someone "nappy headed is," Why should you be involved in correcting the imbalance in the ethnic balance in the local university of your own? Because ending intolerance means doing more clucking our tongues in a few words dirty.

Even Dr. Laura, you can rest knowing that racism is much larger than the hateful comments only. Even now, good riddance. You will not disappear for too long, but the airwaves will not miss you while you're gone.
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