Thursday, August 26, 2010

Gwen Araujo Story

Gwen Araujo - View the story of a teenager between the sexes, Gwen Araujo, who was assassinated by four men in Newark, California. Verify that the GLAAD media awards the film "Girl like me: The Gwen Araujo Story" Tonight, 8:00 pm, and stars as JD Pardo / Eddie Gwen Mercedes Ruehl, and her mother, and Jogia Avan and her brother Danny.

Girl like me: The Gwen Araujo Story 'is the biography of 2006 made-for-TV movie directed by award-winning director Agnieszka Holland and broadcast for the first Television.Gwen Omar Araujo was transgender woman who was murdered in Newark, a city in Alameda County, California. The killings occurred anywhere in the tenth month of the year 2002 in one of the parties, having found it reproductive males. Show scenes from the 'girl like me' film depicts the murder trial, alternating with the story of the life and Gwen.

Killing of Gwen Araujo, who was born Eddie Araujo, Jr., by four men in Newark, California. The four men who killed Gwen Araujo, two of them if they were sexually intimate with. The nature of the killing of Gwen Araujo, a brutal and cruel as they had been beaten and strangled at a party before being taken to the site, which lies on the four-hour drive from home. After being brutally attacked, and was buried in a place near the Sierra Nevada mountains was discovered by the Office of the Alameda County Mayors' When one of the defendants, led by chief of police to the burial site two days later.

The crime received wide national and international attention and prompted questions about whether being transgender and represent fairly and accurately in the media alike, and the criminal justice system. This was the situation that has become a driving force of law reform movements in several states. He was convicted two defendants in the crime of second degree murder, but have not been convicted in hate crime enhancements are required. And the payment of two other defendants guilty or no contest to murder. In at least one of the trials, a 'panic over the defense' - an extension of the gay panic defense - it works.

Movie girl like me: The Gwen Araujo Story 'is really sad movie. My heart bleeds for the souls of sad Gwen to get caught up in ignorance of peoples life. Being different does not mean that he was wrong or unacceptable in our society, but those who believe this should be an unexpected one. I'd rather have than a minute of something special, from the age of not a wonderful thing
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