Two satellites on August 27 is just a trick. Each year an e-mail out says that Mars will be closest rival to the ground, and it will be once in a life time experience and one that should not be missed.
E-mail and it goes without saying that it will not play in the sky, and will be as large as our moon. The fact of the matter is that this e-mail is fake and tours in every time this year, and people still fall for it. The truth is that Mars is farther from us in a moment, then any other time this summer.
How did the e-mail trick achieved? In 2003 on the surface of Mars August 27 did not pass very close to the ground, and was the closest the planets had come together for years about 60,000 around. The actual distance between the planets about 34.5 million miles. Once every two years after the 2003 e-mail message is sent to tell the people about the amazing phenomenon and do not miss.
Thus, literally thousands of planets all over the people to sit watching the sky tomorrow night, expect to see Mars the size of our moon. Because people expect to see the moon and Mars, our region at the same time with the same size e-mail may come to be known as a common two moons ""
Although the trick has been going on since 2003 still so many people fall for that, and the reason is that the Internet is increasing year after year. This means that not everyone has seenthe e-mail, even if you have only just got online for the first time and receive an email that there is good chance you will be to look in the sky tomorrow night, unless of course you read this before the event
If you want to know if anyone in your neighborhood have fallen for e-mail Moon 2, and then step out on August 27, 2010, and see if someone is watching the night sky. To be sure, I'll tell you they are barbecue and a late night.
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