Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Second Salmonella Lawsuit Filed Against Taco Bell by Laurel Curran

A victim's second outbreak of salmonella linked to large-scale restaurants, Taco Bell filed a lawsuit against the restaurant chain on Monday. The plaintiff in the lawsuit was Tammy Hill, a resident of Ohio, Scioto County, who became ill with Salmonella Hartford infection after eating at Taco Bell in Wheelersburg, Ohio in early June.
Tammy is one of 155 people from 21 countries who are victims of two confirmed an outbreak of salmonella due to food served in Taco Bell restaurants this summer. Is associated with two of the serotypes with the outbreak of salmonella - Salmonella Hartford and Salmonella Baildon. Between the serotypes of Salmonella, these are relatively rare.

Im! Brands, parent company of Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut and other fast-food restaurant chain is the defendant named in the lawsuit. Attorney presented Bill Marler of the Seattle food safety Marler Clark law firm is unique and Wendell from [Columbia's], Ohio company Stewart and DeChant suit in a court of law the District Public Scioto, Ohio.

He said that in Marler has represented victims of E. coli's past and the spread of hepatitis, which was due at the end of the day to return to the Taco Bell food.

Prosecutor consume food from Taco Bell in early June, the next day she began suffering symptoms of salmonella. Stomach pain, bowel and said that the increase during the next few days until he entered the hospital. The results of tests conducted in the emergency room she was already infected with Salmonella Hartford. Hill is still recovering from her illness.
"Ohio State has been badly affected by these outbreaks," said Marler. "Studies show that each confirmed Salmonella in the spread of the disease, and other people 38.5 patients do not visit the doctor or do not get tested. Using this account, nearly a thousand Ohioans likely to have the disease. Many, like Tammy, are still trying to recover their health. At this point in the outbreak, and our mission is to help them do so. "
It is believed that two of the outbreak began in April and extends to early June. Symptoms of salmonella include diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fever, nausea, and / or vomiting. In mild cases diarrhea may be bloody, occur several times per day, and not be very large, and in severe cases may be frequent, bloody and / or mucosa, and large size. Fever generally occurs in the F-100 to 102, a group of type (F. Are in many cases, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, too. While continuing diarrhea usually 24-72 hours, and patients often shows non-specific report fatigue and other lasting 7 days or more.
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