Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Stephen Colbert Makes Expert Leslie Kean look like an Ignoramus

UFO sighting at Chicago O'Hare - 2007

UFO sighting at Chicago O'Hare - 2007
Sat night on the Colbert Report, Leslie Kean, a UFO expert and author of a new book Down with Stephen Colbert to discuss a book on UFO sightings. The Colbert really did not give her a chance to explain themselves, to have a kind of Ignoramus. This was particularly the case, when discussing in 2007 in Chicago O'Hare Airport UFO sighting, which saw many people.

Leslie Keane's new book titled "UFOs: General, pilots and government officials to go on record" has taken her 10 years to put together. I have spoken with hundreds, if not thousands of officers and pilots, and senior government officials about the UFO sightings they have seen themselves. It has also documented cases where the UFO appears on the radar.

It seemed as if Leslie Keane wants to use the Colbert Report in order to get her in the eyes of the public, while Colbert plans to use the interview to make fun of people who believe that the presence of a mysterious object. Ken probably did not expect such a torment, but when all is said and done, she got her book, certainly in the eyes of the public, and meeting and entertaining to watch.
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