Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Belinda Carlisle, former Go-Go, details 30-year cocaine habit in new memoir, 'Lips Unsealed'

Linda Carlisle, the former Go-Go which made the return a brief career in the late 1980s, struggled with cocaine, usually for 30 years said she had begun five years ago only reports

Carlisle (53 years), and comes clean about drug abuse because they have a - you guessed it! - Has a new memoir that "Let the lips."

"I think the only thing that kept me going for a long time on the length and I clean up well," she says in an interview with Popeater. "I can be able to afford to have facials and massages and dress nice and fool myself that until I was well and deception all around me I'm fine, living in the south of France, to develop the plane everywhere, looking great. Everything must be perfect. Held you know, together and gave the impression for years and years, but I think the last two years I did not deceive one. "

Says: He was addicted to drugs as cocaine for 30 years, except during the nine months she was pregnant with her son. (17-year-old son) made headlines earlier this year when the magazine came out in the pages of the British position and put gay with his mother.) "I hit a lot of beds," she says. "It was strange when he resigned. Surprised me. I knew only beyond a reasonable doubt to be dead if it continues ... I was at the end of the ceremony lasted three days. I remember thinking how it would be humiliating for my son that his mother die in a hotel room of a dose excess of cocaine. "

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