Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lace up, today is National Running Day

National Day on running the second annual report of some of the country to operate the largest groups.

There are many local events on the books - in Timonium, [Clarksville], Annapolis and Bel-Air - is due to what to do. But you do not have to participate in an official event. You can get out of there by yourself.

If you are just starting out, and the organization has some advice: It's okay to walk, first and foremost. Other tips include starting slow, and after the plan. And the purchase of equipment quality.

The idea is that you run a sound, accessible and easy.

And manages more than 39.5 million people in all parts of the country at least once, according to data from 2007 Superstudy U.S. sports participation sports. Some of 11700000 to run more than 100 days a year.

Has some people 9200000 road racing in 2008, according to the United States Administration, an increase of 4 percent for the year 2007.

Of course, it's really hot this week, so you may want to wait to start the program if you have not already.

If you do not work, try to go early, before the extreme heat of the day. Stay hydrated - the day before, during and after. Make this cold water which is absorbed better. Dump some over your head to cool off.

Also, wear clothes made of synthetic fibers, and light, such as cotton under the shield does not. And slow it down and take a walk breaks. Stop if you feel dizzy or your skin feel cool. And maybe take a friend with you so you can keep an eye on each other.

There runinng local groups / training that will help you prepare for the races or simply get in shape. They range from local clubs, respectively, such as the Annapolis Striders to store-based groups that work with trainers, such as those organized by the charm of the city and operate the road Falls run the store. The following is a great list of running clubs in the country.

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