Saturday, June 5, 2010

Iliza Shlesinger

rliza Shlesinger is the female stand up comedian who won NBC `s comedy last season's position 6 show. Iliza was born in February 22, 1983, in Dallas, Texas. Iliza graduated from Emerson College.

And was a member of the famous comedian Iliza position white comedy team up boy who brought her to the stage at Improv, Hollywood.

Iliza Shlesinger is the position the first time, female comedian, who won in the other wing and show moving images. Before that was the last chapters of the withdrawal won the elimination round twice. Is currently hosting the exhibition in the, called the news poorly.Winning comic Active holder became the youngest female appears to have won the title.

Iliza gain fame and style comedy taken into prosperity. Her television work has included a half-hour special on Comedy Central show by the name of Comedy Central Live in New York City, which included Showtime and Pauly Shore, friends, and Soup and Chelsea Lately on E! And her latest NBC `s the last word.

Iliza on a tour of colleges and comedy clubs across America. Tour dates are available on its official. The performance with the metaphor in various locations and on the Just For Laughs Festival in Montreal, a large

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