Saturday, June 5, 2010

John Wooden Quotes Desired After Death at Age 99

It quoted John Wooden desired after death in the age 99. Died of John Wooden, and legendary basketball coach of the University of California, yesterday at the age of 99. Given the long years spent in life, and has a wooden source of inspiration for generations of basketball players. Upon his death, and quoted it utters is something that many will want to read to commemorate his life.

Some of the quotes from John Wooden has spoken in more than one way to basketball only.The following are some inspirational quotes:

"Be prepared to be honest."

"Consideration of the rights of others before own feelings, and feelings of others before your own rights."

"Do not let what you can not do interfere with what you can do."

"Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be."

"It's not what you do, but how to do it."

"It's not so important who starts the game, but that ends it."

John Wood died of natural causes, despite the narrative of any official cause of death. He was 99 years, and lived a very long life and prosperous. He knows to take the University of California to 10 NCAA titles in a row 1964-1975, won 88 games in a row 1971-1974. In 1989, Sports Illustrated named John Wooden basketball coach better than ever.

Wood is a family appreciated the support of his fans who have offered their condolences during this time of loss.

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